
May 21, 2012

Refurbish Mirror

Well I have been looking around at different blogs on how they have taken something that has been used and not wanted any longer and then give it a uplift and then they have a new item. I thought I would give it a try and see if I could turn some used things into something new again. Well my first project was a dresser mirror that I found at a thrift store. It was only $7.00. My oldest daughter has been bugging me for a fun mirror for her room so I thought this would be a perfect opputunity to try giving something an uplift.It was a dingy white color so the first thing I had to do was paint that black . I went to Hobby Lobby and picked up the ruffled pink ribbon (matched Jessica's room perfectly) which I hot glued around the frame of the mirror. After that I decided to put some bling on the mirror which I felt added to the mirror and since there was such a large space on the bottom of the mirror and it was solid black I felt something more had to be put on there so I went to WalMart and sure enough I found some glitter chipboard that said Love with some hearts and I hot glued that to this open area.
I have to say it turned out pretty good and Jessica loved it so that is all that really matters anyway.
Well until my next post.
Have a great day!


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